
Understanding Photo Editing

If purists prefer natural images, untouched by any retouching, others give free rein to their imagination to "improve" reality or even to totally push back the limits. Discover how to make your photo montages a success and be inspired by photographers who combine technical mastery and fantasy for original photos.


Photo editing

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At the border between plausible and fantastic, photo editing can, thanks to the superimposition of images and some faking, give birth to a new reality. This is the case of the photos of the artist Marie-Laure Vareilles proposed by the Yellow Korner galleries. By aggregating her travel photos, the photographer creates photomontages denouncing our behaviors and invites us to imagine our own scenarios. These montages using computer and digital photography to create a unique shot and a true trompe-l'oeil from several image sources are called compositing.


Moi myself devant Hong Kong, Marie-Laure Vareilles © Yellow Korner

Other montages, more dreamlike and poetic, push back the boundaries of reality. This is the case of Sarolta Ban's photographs which, thanks to retouching and the use of layers in post-production, create new scenes to make the viewer dream.


Sarolta Ban, Our Nest © Yellow Korner

To succeed in your montages, pay attention to the light and check that all the image fragments used have the same lighting to avoid an unrealistic effect. Several software or applications allow you to make collages and montages. In Photoshop, you can design all kinds of montages by treating layers as elements to be assembled on a background to create a new photo.

Finally, the only prerequisite for successful photomontages is to unleash your creativity! You become an image creator rather than a mere witness.

It would be a shame not to take advantage of these personal photos that will give a strong signature to your decoration. Whether you want to personalize your interior design or offer an original gift, a photo print of your best photomontages will be of the most beautiful effect. Thanks to the expertise of our photo lab, your images are printed on photo paper in the format and finish of your choice. Our experts make sure that your images are of optimal quality before printing so that you can quickly and easily obtain framed photographs that live up to your inspirations!


© Justine Grosset


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