The Essential of Photography : Vanishing Lines
The 27/05/2024
The best rule in photography is to let your inspiration speak for itself, but there are certain principles that, once learned, will enhance your subject and emphasize the strength of your compositions. Among these essentials, the vanishing lines are unavoidable.

Thibaud Poirier, Trinity College Library © Yellow Korner
What is a vanishing line? This perspective effect is well known to photographers, especially architectural photographers, but also to painters. It makes the vanishing lines appear wider in the foreground before sinking into the heart of the scene.
What is the purpose of vanishing lines? Vanishing lines guide your viewer's gaze, they allow for a quicker reading of the image and convey the message of your photo with more force and instant understanding of its subject.

Ilya Rashap, Shadow Games © Yellow Korner
Vanishing lines also add depth to your photograph. Forest, street or road stretching to the horizon, these naturally present parallels captivate the eye, seeming to deepen the image and reinforce its dynamism.
Evgeni Dinev, First in the Line © Yellow Korner
How to make a success of your photographs by using the vanishing lines ? An effective composition consists in making the vanishing lines of the scene converge in a central point, nothing complex here thanks to our devices which automate the process. All you have to do is find the lines in question and choose your angle of view. Opting for a vanishing line that guides the eye to an off-camera area is a good idea to spark the imagination. The direction of the eyes of the people in the photograph is also a vanishing line.

Ludwig Favre, Molitor Summer Time © Yellow Korner
Don't forget to play with the perspective of your image. Here, the common mistake is to make an immoderate use of the zoom when nothing is equivalent to changing the angle of view. Move forward, backward, raise your camera and above all make different tests to make good use of the perspective between the different planes of your images.

Andrea Pavan, The Gallery © Yellow Korner
A personal photograph with a controlled composition and clearly defined lines of flight will have even more impact. Printed in a large format, such as our Giant format, ideal for an impressive and luminous print, your artworks will bring character to your interior decoration. You wish to reinforce the depth of your composition? A Shadowbox frame, the favorite of art galleries, will give your photo print an incomparably elegant lightness.
© 2021, Justine Grosset, LabKorner